Automated volume assessment from serial sections
SectionToVolume is written in Java and works on most operating systems including PC and Mac.
SectionToVolume 1.1
Runs faster than STV 1.0
Save files require less disk space
Imports more image file formats, including TIFF
Projects made using version 1.0 cannot be opened using version 1.1
SectionToVolume 1.0
Use version 1.0 if you already have projects made using this version or if you have problem with version 1.1.
How to start the program
1. Download the program file
2. Unzip the downloaded file. Most operating systems can do this without installing additional programs.
3. Make sure Java version 5 or newer is installed and working properly. Do this by going to
and click "Do I have Java?"
Java is required to run SectionToVolume, installation is free if it's not already installed.
4. Double-click the included jar file ("SectionToVolume Version 1.0.jar" or "SectionToVolume_1.1.jar").